t2 wk 9 reading create task

hi bloggers !! this week I was so busy because I went to an interview and eye check center so now I am still in create task 1 this create task has 1a 1b it’s my first time doing like this . 1a is to fill a Google doc and 1b is to make a slide and write information about your book choice this my book is Earth paint . it’s about aboriginal art like we did last time (in inquiry) here is my create task 1a

and this is my slide show of 1b

it is so big right ?? however this is my slide show and it is too bright for me . this create task is my favourite it was so fun and I want to do this create task with another book (yeah we will do it next week ) bye!!

tm 2 wk 7 writing about Taylor swift

hi bloggers this week , last week and last last week I was writing about Taylor swift is  a most famous singer in the country or on the world the first thing what Ms Ferguson’s told us to do was to research your person (check) write a paragraphs (check) publish into your Google doc(check) and fill biography slides(check) and now I am blogging(check, most fun thing to do). whatever this is my Google Doc ! and this is my slides ! make sure when you get into these links DO NOT NEVER delete something !! bye bloggers!!

term 2 reading create task 1,2 and 3

Hi bloggers!! this week i learned about Waka , The book’ s name was ‘ The Korero of the Waka ‘ this book was interesting. Whatever create  task 1 was to  write a thinking wheel and they have 5 things like i wonder, i see, i know, i think and i imagine . In create task 2 is to  write 10 facts in my reading book so i write

1.Kaiwaka is a small town and it’s 2 hours from Auckland

2. At the front of the kaiwaka there is a school and they practice kapa haka

3. In waka they have mountain waves from the kaipara harbour , spots gear , computer muse , and page of the book with greeting in several languages shapes

4. In the past maori used waka just as we use cars today

5, Waka is a boat

6. Waka were usually moved with wooden paddles or poles

8. Some maori still build traditional wka today

9. Waka were narrow and not very stable because they were carver from narrow trees

10. Waka is up to 40 meters

and  then i went to flip and i read all of these

In create task 3 i have to answer the paper  the title is five W’s

So I answer all of that questions  and i write that into canva. com

it says like these

the Korero of waka

question :what ???

answer : they were talking about what kind of interesting facts about waka

for example in waka they have lots of patterns and what to they to with waka

question: where???

answer : in kaiwaka front of the waka

question : when???

answer:in school time

question :why ??

answer: because they need to practice kapa haka

question :who??

answer:students and teachers

for last thing is photos and link

this is create task 1

FLIP this is create task 2

this is create task 3 canva 

and this is THE KORERO OF THE WAKA which is my reading book what i read from  book choices

finally i am done bye bloggers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye

Reading creates tasks 1,2 and 3

hi bloggers!! this week i learned about Amelia Earhart she is the first woman  pilot in the world. before becoming a pilot  she was a nurse and she helped people .when she gets  10 years old Amelia and her dad watched a plane show and  she had her first plane and she became a pilot

this is my Canva task it has a lot of information in this site




bye bloggers see you next blog!!!!

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